"Zul" likely refers to "Zul'Aman," which is a 10-player raid instance in World of Warcraft. The term "raid reset" refers to the time when a raid instance is reset, allowing players to run the raid again for loot and progression. As of my last update, the reset schedule for raids in World of Warcraf
"nocrit" seems to be a shorthand or a term possibly related to gaming, likely indicating a state where critical hits do not occur. However, without additional context, it's not clear if this is related to a WoW addon or WeakAuras. Below is how I would handle this if it was an addon or WA feature: *
"Zul" likely refers to "Zul'Aman," which is a 10-player raid instance in World of Warcraft. The term "raid reset" refers to the time when a raid instance is reset, allowing players to run the raid again for loot and progression. As of my last update, the reset schedule for raids in World of Warcraf
BGKF 为你的战场带来了沉浸式的CS:GO风格击杀提示,具备动态等级提升、职业颜色通知以及标志性的解说员声音。
获取玩家与生物的GUID 此插件能够帮助玩家快速检索并显示指定玩家或生物的全球唯一标识符(GUID)。只需选定目标,插件便会自动显示其GUID,便于玩家在游戏中进行精确的识别和定位。操作简便,是团队协作和任务执行时的得力助手。