Really simple xp/h Tracker I created with Chatgpt because the other ones I found weren't working
An addon which links the own mythical+ keystone to the respective chat when a message with “!keys” in group or guildchat is received.
DGS Mod enhances World of Warcraft by playing Scorpion's "Get Over Here!" sound from Mortal Kombat when casting Death Grip. Players can toggle the sound on/off and adjust its volume using an in-game UI, accessible via the /dgsui chat command.
A calculator addon that has the basic features of a calculator.
A calculator addon that has the basic features of a calculator.
Very basic addon that gives the player a message upon killing an enemy, and how many more would be expected to kill to gain a level.
MenaceMeter is a World of Warcraft Classic addon designed to monitor the threat generated by the player and the pet, enabling better management in combat.
Plays the sound your soul is mine when you gain a soul shard
**BetterBags The Burning Crusade** 是 BetterBags 插件的一个扩展,专门用于整理《燃烧的远征》资料片中的物品。它通过将物品分类到不同的过滤器中,帮助玩家更高效地管理背包。这个扩展特别适合那些在《燃烧的远征》中频繁获取各种物品的玩家,能够让你快速找到所需的物品,避免背包杂乱无章。
BetterBags WoLK 是 BetterBags 的一个扩展插件,专门为《巫妖王之怒》资料片的物品提供分类过滤功能,帮助玩家更高效地管理背包。通过该插件,玩家可以将物品按照特定类别自动整理,简化背包管理流程,提升游戏体验。
《Plates For World of Warcraft》是101插件的一部分,允许玩家自由切换开启或关闭。该插件可以自定义玩家和怪物的血条外观,适用于野外探索和战斗场景。快来体验全新的界面风格吧!||| 团队框架功能即将上线!|||