AdiBags肉类筛选插件简介: 该插件专为AdiBags设计,能够帮助玩家快速筛选出背包中的肉类物品,提高整理背包的效率。使用简便,轻松识别并分类肉类资源。
### Rule Translation Request It seems like you've provided a phrase "list of crafted buff food" rather than an English introduction to a WoW addon or WeakAuras. However, I will translate this phrase into Chinese following the guidelines as if it's a part of an introduction: **中文概述:** 精心制作的增益食物列表
Ackis Recipe List的烹饪模块。
AdiBags 模快,添加钓鱼分类。
### Rule Translation Request It seems like you've provided a phrase "list of crafted buff food" rather than an English introduction to a WoW addon or WeakAuras. However, I will translate this phrase into Chinese following the guidelines as if it's a part of an introduction: **中文概述:** 精心制作的增益食物列表
随机烹饪篝火玩具 功能简介:这个插件可以将你的烹饪篝火变成一个随机变化的玩具,每次使用时都会呈现出不同的外观和效果,为游戏增添乐趣。 使用方法:安装后,只需在游戏中使用烹饪篝火,即可体验随机变化的篝火效果。