泰罗勒姆团队工具(In Terrorem Raid Tools)是一款专注于团队管理和战斗效率的魔兽世界插件。以下中文简介: **泰罗勒姆团队工具简介:** 这款插件致力于提升团队协作效率,提供战斗资源监控、职责分配和战术执行等多功能,帮助团队更好地应对团队副本挑战。使用它,可以轻松管理团队成员状态,优化战斗流程。
《自杀王》是一款物品分配插件,它采用了一套独特的分配机制,确保团队内的装备分配公平、高效。该系统依据队员对团队贡献的大小,以轮换优先级的方式分配装备,让每位玩家都有机会获得所需物品。以下是简洁介绍: ### 《自杀王》:装备分配系统简介 - **核心功能**:基于贡献度轮换优先级的物品分配。 - **使用方法**:加入团队后,系统自动记录玩家贡献,按照既定规则分配装备。 - **公平高效**:确保每位团队成员都能在公平的环境下获得装备。
in-game. This WA is especially useful for players who are engaged in collecting essences across multiple characters and want a quick overview of their totals. It can also show the amount of essences on other players when they are inspected. 所有角色的精华数量跟踪,并在游戏内货币标签的鼠标提示中显示。此WA特别适合那些在多个角色间收集精华,希望快速了解总
A lightweight addon to calculate your group's chances of winning a fight.
Use a custom background image for your Talents user interface.
QoL addon for the currency frame, adds a search bar to search for specific currencies and interface options to search even through the description and sort currencies by their ID.
Switches the minimap from position based on the condition to be mounted or dismounted.
MapMate enhances your guild and party experience by tracking guild members on the map, displaying player levels, and showing rank- and class-based icons. Perfect for guild management, questing, and group coordination!