DevSuite是一款面向《魔兽世界》开发者的工具集合。以下是中文简介: ### DevSuite简介 DevSuite集成了多种开发工具,专为《魔兽世界》设计,旨在帮助开发者更高效地创建和管理addons。
DevSuite是一款面向《魔兽世界》开发者的工具集。以下是中文简介: ### DevSuite简介 DevSuite集成了多种开发者工具,专为《魔兽世界》设计,旨在提高开发效率和便捷性。
DevSuite是一款针对《魔兽世界》的开发者工具集。以下是中文简介: **DevSuite简介:** 这是一款集成了多种开发者工具的《魔兽世界》插件,旨在帮助开发者更高效地创建和管理游戏内内容。
MapMate enhances your guild and party experience by tracking guild members on the map, displaying player levels, and showing rank- and class-based icons. Perfect for guild management, questing, and group coordination!
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Hold the Shift key while moussing over targets, items, or NPCs to display tooltips right at your cursor. Get instant information when you need it, keeping your screen uncluttered and your focus on the game.