五子连珠(Fiveinarow)是一款专注于提升《魔兽世界》玩家PvP体验的WeakAuras插件。它能够帮助玩家快速识别敌方技能的冷却时间,通过在屏幕上显示直观的图形提示,使玩家可以更好地预判对手的行动,从而在战斗中取得优势。以下是简洁的中文介绍: **功能:** - 显示敌方关键技能冷却状态 - 直观图形提示,快速识别技能可用性 - 可自定义警报和图标,适应不同玩家需求 **使用方法:** - 安装WeakAuras插件后,导入Fiveinarow配置 - 根据需要调整警报位置和视觉效果 - 在PvP实战中,通过观察图标变化,判断敌方技能状态 此介绍已去除所有非关键内容,专注于插件的
MapMate enhances your guild and party experience by tracking guild members on the map, displaying player levels, and showing rank- and class-based icons. Perfect for guild management, questing, and group coordination!
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Create presets of AddOns for easy loading and unloading.
Hold the Shift key while moussing over targets, items, or NPCs to display tooltips right at your cursor. Get instant information when you need it, keeping your screen uncluttered and your focus on the game.