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77,278 2023/01/19 874
Plan your dailies easily and effectively!


12,792 2024/03/25 586
Informs you about the use of outranked spells and adds an analysis window for outranked spells on your actionbars.

[经典旧世]Retail UI

34,387 2022/11/03 232
World of Warcraft Retail's UI, recreated for Classic/TBC. Includes additional features

Ellipsis (Multi-Target DoT Timers) Continued

48,787 2023/05/16 279
Ellipsis is an addon that features multi-target aura tracking for spells that you (and your pet) cast on others.

[经典旧世]Ellipsis (Multi-Target DoT Timers) Continued

48,825 2023/05/17 279
Ellipsis is an addon that features multi-target aura tracking for spells that you (and your pet) cast on others.

[怀旧服]Ellipsis (Multi-Target DoT Timers) Continued

48,787 2023/05/16 979
Ellipsis is an addon that features multi-target aura tracking for spells that you (and your pet) cast on others.

[经典旧世]Rank Watcher, Upranker and more: HintMeRank

12,792 2024/03/25 449
Informs you about the use of outranked spells and adds an analysis window for outranked spells that you have on your Actionbar. Also does the up-ranking of spells for you.

Caerdon Wardrobe

418,292 2024/05/12 379
Shows BOE / BOA, openables and unlearned pets and transmog wardrobe indicator on bank / bag / auction / merchant / guild bank / loot frame / loot roll / e...

Rare Share: Korthia (9.1)

42,903 2022/11/01 750
9.1 Korthia Rare support for Rare Share

AtlasMajorCities Enhanced

966,383 2022/11/03 701
Major Cities NPC Browser