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Lightning Timer

92 2022/11/03 832
Timer for catching Lightning in Freehold


92 2022/11/03 210
Tiny mod to hide tooltips while in combat


92 2024/01/11 282
Plays a sound effect upon crit.

Ding Classic

92 2024/09/10 452
DingClassic is a World of Warcraft Classic addon that announces level-ups in a fun and customizable way. It provides options to show ding messages, send them to Say or Guild chat.

[经典旧世]Ding Classic

92 2024/09/10 452
DingClassic is a World of Warcraft Classic addon that announces level-ups in a fun and customizable way. It provides options to show ding messages, send them to Say or Guild chat.

[怀旧服]Ding Classic

92 2024/09/10 452
DingClassic is a World of Warcraft Classic addon that announces level-ups in a fun and customizable way. It provides options to show ding messages, send them to Say or Guild chat.


91 2024/09/01 692
Fix classic addons lua errors, that are caused by API changes in different WOW expansions or regions. Typical lua errors like C_AddOns.xxx attempt to call field 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value), C_Item.xxx attempt to call field 'GetItemInfo' (a nil value)

Lemmo's BookStore Reborn

91 2021/10/19 308
Store found books, all readable items, mails etc. in a bookshelf.

[经典旧世]Lemmo's BookStore Reborn

91 2021/10/19 308
Store found books, all readable items, mails etc. in a bookshelf.

[燃烧远征]Lemmo's BookStore Reborn

91 2021/10/19 308
Store found books, all readable items, mails etc. in a bookshelf.